24 kits delivered to St George's Hospital in collaboration with Alstom.

We are enormously grateful to Alstom for continuing to support the charity's mission and helping us to deliver 24 kits to St George's Hospital, Tooting.

£349.61 raised through coffee morning at Alstom's Modern depot

Thanks to a variety of tasty treats including sausage rolls, lemon drizzle cake, samosas and croissants and the continued generosity of employees at Alstom's Morden depot, a further £349.61 was fundraised for Caring Kits for Kids.

Clothes and baby supplies delivered in collaboration with Chichester Lions Club to Worthing Hospital and St Richard's Hospital

In April we were very grateful to Joan from the Chichester Lions Club, who helped us donate clothes and baby supplies to supplement the kits delivered to Worthing Hospital and St Richard's Hospital last year.

Website migrated to run on 100% renewable energy

In January we continued our commitment to sustainability, the environment and reducing our carbon footprint by migrating our website to infrastructure powered by 100% renewable energy.


£1311.23 raised through coffee mornings at Alstom's depots in Morden and Golders Green.

Colleagues at Alstom's Morden and Golders Green depots helped fundraise £1311.23 through coffee mornings.

24 kits delivered in collaboration with Alstom to Royal Derby Hospital

Colleagues at Alstom's Derby depots helped put together and deliver 24 kits for children and young people entering emergency foster care via A&E at Royal Derby Hospital.

Kalina Bolingbroke formally appointed as a trustee

Kalina Bolingbroke was formally appointed as a trustee on 4 October 2023, following a unanimous vote by the Board of Trustees in September 2023.

Tesco customers award Caring Kits for Kids £1,500 through Tesco's Stronger Starts programme.

12 kits delivered in collaboration with Chichester Lions Club to Worthing Hospital and St Richard's Hospital

24 kits delivered to St George's Hospital

24 kits delivered to North Middlesex University Hospital

10 kits delivered to Ipswich Hospital


In collaboration with the NSPCC Childline Wallet Cards are now included in the kits.

60 kits delivered to Royal Manchester Children's Hospital

Mark Houghton and colleagues take part in the 5km London South Tough Mudder

In September, Mark and colleagues took part in the London 5km Tough Mudder, raising £1515 for Caring Kits for Kids and surpassing our initial fundraising goal for the event.

Delivered 300th kit to North Mid

24 kits delivered to St George's Hospital


13 kits delivered to Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust

Formally registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation ('CIO') with The Charity Commission for England and Wales

In January, Caring Kits for Kids was formally registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation ('CIO') with The Charity Commission for England and Wales.


36 kits delivered to Royal Manchester Children's Hospital

40 kits delivered to North Middlesex University Hospital

16 kits delivered to North Middlesex University Hospital

23 kits delivered to North Middlesex University Hospital

17 kits delivered to Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust


Colleagues at Alstom's Northern Line depot help put together 20 kits

Colleagues at Alstom's Northern Line depot helped put together 20 kits for mothers and babies arriving at A&E.

26 kits delivered in collaboration with Alstom to Birmingham Children's Hospital.

Colleagues at Alstom's Oxley and Birmingham depots helped put together and deliver 26 kits for children and young people entering emergency foster care via A&E at Birmingham Children's Hospital.


Gayle Hann appears on ITV News to discuss the 'Kid's Kit' scheme set up at North Middlesex University Hospital.

In June, Gayle Hann appeared on ITV News to discuss knife crime and the 'Kid's Kit' scheme set up at North Middlesex University Hospital aimed at providing children and young people entering emergency foster care via A&E with a change of clothes, toiletries and a cuddly toy.

London Evening Standard covers Gayle's achievements in setting up a 'Kid's Kit' scheme.

In June, the London Evening Standard highlighted Dr Gayle Hann for her "tireless work" in supporting children injured in gang violence and others taken into emergency foster care.

Gayle Hann uses funding from North Middlesex University Hospital to create 40 kits for children and young people entering emergency foster care via A&E.

In June, Gayle received £2,310, as part of North Middlesex University Hospital's "Dragon Den" initiative, to put together 40 kits for children and young people entering emergency foster care via A&E. The "Dragon Den" initiative saw the trust share out £130,000 in charitable funds to support improvements to patient care and experience.